Letters to Am Echad from a recipient in St. Petersburg, the Chief Rabbi of St. Petersburg, and a financial supporter.

Benjamin M. Plotkin
Williamsburg, VA 23185

January 23, 2001

Mr. Igor Feldblyum
Am Echad, Inc.
1277 Bartonshire Way
Potomac, MD 20854

Dear Mr. Feldblyum,

Thank you for sending me the three issues of the Am Echad Newsletter. After we talked, I contacted my computer expert and was able to come up with a way of printing the materials that were on your website.

I think what you and your fellow volunteers are doing is very important. In our disposable society we tend not to think much about what happens to the elderly; the loneliness, health problems and other burdens that come with old age. Having lost my mother recently, I often wondered what would have happened if I didn't have the financial resources to make her last few years comfortable as she slowly slid into dementia. To live in the incredibly miserable circumstances that are described in your case histories of elderly people and thinking about how well my mother was cared for, is really painful to contemplate. Had my grandparents not left Byelorussia and the shtetls of Borisov and Moghilev in the 1890s, these sad stories could just as easily have been about my relatives.

Enclosed is a completed application. I shall make my contributions on a quarterly basis. I assume you will send me a reminder if I forget. I'm in the process of house hunting in the Washington area; hopefully, at some future date, I will have the opportunity to meet you.


Benjamin M. Plotkin

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