This list was extracted on February 15, 2000 from a data base of 37,000 elderly and disabled Jews in St. Petersburg

The following criteria were used to select these names: the oldest disabled elderly with no relatives and living alone, who have the lowest income. These people have nobody to rely on.

Our volunteers in St. Petersburg visit each potential recipient to verify their eligibility for Am Echad's assistance, and report to Am Echad, where the final eligibility decison is being made.

This process ensures that the assistance will be provided to the most needy.

One of the most important criteria is the monthly income. On average, each of our recipients needs $30 a month for medicine, and $40 a month for food. Compare these numbers with the incomes on the right, and you will understand, that Am Echad's assistance may be their only hope to live their last years with dignity and with less pain.

Although Am Echad assists more and more elderly with every passing month, most of people on this list still need our help.

*The last names are abbreviated to protect privacy.
**The names of people who began receiving assistance since this list was compiled are in blue.

Name Age Monthly
(in dollars)

Name Age Monthly
(in dollars)
Maria Z.** 100 12
Tatiana B. 82 12
Lifsa K. 97 20
Anna P. 82 20
Emilia N. 96 21
Esfir Y. 81 21
Valentina F. 96 13
Lyudmila M. 81 13
Amalia A. 95 16
Tatiana A. 81 16
Fruma S. 95 22
Ekaterina S. 81 22
Basia A. 94 12
Tamara Z. 81 12
Nekha I. 94 16
Ida D. 80 16
Berta N. 93 18
Roza S. 80 18
Tsilia K. 93 18
Khaya G. 80 18
Nana D. 93 20
Grunia T. 79 20
Zlata L. 92 21
Frida S. 79 21
Feiga L.  Died 5/17/00 92 17
Faina Z. 79 17
Dinia B. 91 24
Lea K. 78 24
Lidia B. 91 21
Lidia K. 78 21
Musia P. 90 21
Genrieta D. 78 21
Bella S. 90 21
Maria A. 77 21
Khaya U. 90 17
Esfir G. 77 17
Ganna D. 90 23
Dina G. 77 23
Elizaveta L. 90 12
Ginda B. 77 12
Maria M. 90 19
Anna S. 77 19
Masha K. 90 23
Berta T. 76 23
Frida B. 90 26
Natalia G. 76 26
Dvoira A. 89 20
Tamara P. 76 20
Alina S. 89 20
Elena D. 76 20
Khaya K. 89 21
Zoya S. 76 21
Valentina G. 89 23
Frida O. 75 23
Taina P. 88 16
Galina S. 75 16
Noemi M. 88 24
Lidia F. 74 24
Bina K. 88 24
Vera S. 74 24
Irina G. 88 17
Paulina P. 74 17
Anna L. 87 16
Yudif B. 73 16
Asia D. 87 18
Vigdor G. 73 18
Elizaveta K. 87 19
Aron I. 73 19
Reiza M. 86 24
Frida T. 73 24
Dora K. 86 20
Elena K. 73 20
Yulia B. 85 19
Vladimir P. 73 19
Basia T. 85 20
Elena B. 73 20
Galina G. 85 18
Boris S. 73 18
Basia R. 85 24
Ekaterina A. 72 24
Bronia S. 84 20
Evgenia L. 71 20
Esfir S. 84 22
Vladimir S. 71 22
Sara D. 84 17
Maria Z. 71 17
Sara A. 84 19
Boris N. 70 19
Rachel B. 83 24
Sara L. 69 24
Anna B. 83 13
Rozalia T. 69 13
Faina V. 82 21
Mikhail T. 69 21
Raya T. 82 21
Zenara R. 68 21

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